
I am literally in meetings from 9am – 12:00pm and then from 1:00pm – 4:00pm….When the hell am I supposed to do any work?!?!?!?!


Man…I gotta when the lotto or hit it super big at the casino, cause I sure as hell hate waking up in the morning and having to go into work.


Updating the ole résumé…what a pain and time consumer task……


Not sure how much walking I did today, feast of the assumption this morning at Holy Redeemer, and then 8+ hours out at The Fest this afternoon. My dogs are barking!!


Sometimes its really easy to tell whom your real friends are!

Posted from WordPress for Android


It’s rather annoying when you get no response when trying to get a hold of people. I also love how everyone turns everything around on someone, when they too would do the same.

Fresh eyes

Nothing like putting in a fresh pair of contacts to start the morning off good.

Posted from WordPress for Android